Monday, December 24, 2007


Here's what i would like to know.  who was the first person to say:  "hey! i have an idea! lets make up this ol' fat guy who dresses in red. . and. . . .he comes down. . . .uh. . . .the chimney! (since most of us don't have doors??) and he brings all of the little kids toys. . .and puts them. . under a tree!! i mean seriously.  what have our imaginations come to?  I personally think since the holiday is really about Jesus, why make every single adult in America so stressed?  shouldn't the thought of Jesus' birth be peaceful and relaxing?  All the running around, the shopping, the parties?  is that really what we call relaxing?  No. No it is not.  Someday when I am in charge of the universe, there will be a another christmas.  A different christmas.  if giving a gift or two puts you in the right mood, then sure!  but its hard to believe how many times this time of year we completely forget what christmas is, and what it means.


Monday, December 10, 2007


Hello fellow people!  this is just a funny thing said by Brak.  You should listen to it!

Oh, and if you want, click here for his whole website.

p.s.  I'm a cucumber, Brak on coffee, and Don't touch me are my other favorites.
Have fun!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


            Hi. its me. (no, duh.)  i declare to the world that the leopard operating system for macs is unbelievable.  guess where this picture was taken?  if you you guessed the beach you are WRONG!! This picture was taken in my very own computer room! Is that amazing or what!?      I have to admit, i think i like this one better, though.                 

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Food I love


pomegranates, artichokes, chocolate chip                                                                                       cookies, tomato soup, french fries and sweet and sour chicken.


Friday, September 28, 2007

Random thought of the day:
Hey guess what? I only eat one half of bacon pieces.  I rip of the gross fat half, and only eat the other half.  Is that weird or what?  Cuz, I never thought it was wieird until i realized nobody else does it.  Oh well. Whatever.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

hey guys, look! I'm a Simpsons character!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Crazy picture!!

Hey look at this! it is sooo wierd.  which way is up?  Click the box, or the question mark or the "x" or whatever.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

sweet px!

These are just some pictures i took on my computer.  pretty sweet huh? 

totally free!!

you know what i really hate? when ads say in really big


and then reeealy teeny at the bottom it says

with the purchase of  two medium drinks and a large popcorn.

that just bugs me really bad. i hate it.  

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Johnny Depp

Basically, I love him.  if you are sitting down right now thinking "Oh yeah, well I do more" than sit back and let me ask you a few questions.

#1:  do you save EVERY single picture or newspaper article you find about him?
#2:  have you bought 4 life-size posters of him?
#3:  do you have a so-called "Jack wall" where an ENTIRE wall of your room is COVERED with newspaper pictures, posters and printed out pictures of "Jack Sparrow"?
#4  Did you buy a medium drink that was $3.50 just because jack was on the cup?
#5:  Did you have dreams that your dad was working with him, and he said you couldn't go because the plane tickets were to expensive, and then did you wake up crying?

I can answer yes to all of these questions.  Can you?   Didn't think so.

Oh, if you want to go to his website, please.  Be my guest.
i love watching movies, even stupid ones.  Kristen showed me "Charlie the unicorn" on You Tube, and the fisrt time i watched it, i was like, "what the heck."  but then i watched it again.

and again....and again.....    I fell in love with it.  if you want this pleasure please watch it.

list of things I LOVE
Johnny Depp
Nicholas Cage
Cold Stone
Painting Nails
Riding Horses
getting my back scratched
Chinese food
Going To Movies
Bubble Gum
list of things I HATE
pulp in orange juice
getting up in the morning
going to the dentist