Monday, December 24, 2007


Here's what i would like to know.  who was the first person to say:  "hey! i have an idea! lets make up this ol' fat guy who dresses in red. . and. . . .he comes down. . . .uh. . . .the chimney! (since most of us don't have doors??) and he brings all of the little kids toys. . .and puts them. . under a tree!! i mean seriously.  what have our imaginations come to?  I personally think since the holiday is really about Jesus, why make every single adult in America so stressed?  shouldn't the thought of Jesus' birth be peaceful and relaxing?  All the running around, the shopping, the parties?  is that really what we call relaxing?  No. No it is not.  Someday when I am in charge of the universe, there will be a another christmas.  A different christmas.  if giving a gift or two puts you in the right mood, then sure!  but its hard to believe how many times this time of year we completely forget what christmas is, and what it means.


1 comment:

Natalie Harris said...

Hi! It's Natalie. I got here thru Kristen's site...I am so impressed with old are you again? I think you got your mother's gene's!!! I would seriously like blogging lessons from you. THanks for helping me to smile ALOT...I'm stealing the Disney wives comic strip for my blog if I can figure out HOW...